
Paco Iglesias

Paco Iglesias

Paco Iglesias was born in Sevilla in 1978. When he was a child he studied and played at home with his brothers. In 1996 he joined Manuela Carrasco’s company. The following year he worked in the Andalusian Ballet composing plays such as “Golpes de la vida”. In 2000 he performed, in different countries, the shows “Al compás del tiempo” and “Tierra adentro” along with Cristina Hoyos. Several years later, in 2004, he toured with Antonio Canales. He has also performed with Farru’s company in the show by Amador Rojas in honour to Frida Kalo released in 2008. He has played for different famous artists such as Rafael de Carmen, Joselito Fernández, Joaquín Grilo, Rafael Campayo, Carmelilla, etc.

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